Make an impact

  • The average adult will use approximately 11,000 pads or tampons in their lifetime.

  • Every year, single-use tampons and disposable pads generate over 440 million pounds (200,000 tons) of waste.

  • Conventional menstrual care products are made of 90% plastic and take 650 years to break down.

Places we protect.

  • 53% of adults feel unprepared for their first period

  • 52% of adults wear period care products past recommended use

  • 53% of adults feel social stigma keeps them from seeking help with period care

Contribute today

  • 500 million people lack access to period care products and hygiene facilities.

  • 800 million people menstruate every day.

  • 2 in 3 low-income women cannot afford period care, with half needing to choose between menstrual products and food.

People we serve.

Support a sustainable future by contributing today.